Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oops...I did it again

For the past couple of days I've been thinking about what to make for the Wheelchair charity event on Saturday night. I'm bringing decorated cake balls, but really, I'm so done with cake balls. So I thought, okay, how about cake balls and some tarts - I could make little tarts filled with lemon curd (naturally, home-made), so I have 4 little tart pans and 4 medium-small tart pans, which just isn't enough. I needed more so I could bake more shells at one time. After a few appointments this morning it was off to one of my favorite stores, Sur La Table, the Plano location.

I walked in and just stood there for a moment, taking in the sights. It's just beautiful. Everything you could imagine all on shelves, just waiting for you to pick them up and put them in your basket. I actually got all goosebumpy just standing there.

This darling little cake pan just jumped into my arms....I mean, really, how can you resist?

This is going to be perfect! I can bake my scrumptious chocolate cake recipe and then decorate the cakes with a little dollop of chocolate mouse or lemon curd, something yummy and totally unexpected. Plus, the ladies in North Dallas don't want alot of dessert, do they? These darling little cakes will be just tempting enough and yet look beautiful.

Next I picked up 8 of these tart pans. Once home I quickly realized that they are just a smidge smaller than the ones my friend Chef Kay gave me, but no worries, I'll use them anyway. Enough with making 4 tart shells at a time - now I can do an even dozen and get things done much quicker.
Then...I fell into a tailspin. Look at what I picked up:

I couldn't help myself! They practically chased me through the store yelling my name. Aren't they just lovely? What do you think? Cookies in the shape of Easter eggs? Or bunnies? Maybe chicks. This may require another trip to Sur La Table but for now... Heaven...I'm in Heaven....
Don't you just love cooking stores?


  1. YES! Yes I do. Love the new accessories...where on earth do you store everything??
    I think Easter cookies would be perfect, and a certain son of yours would love them....

  2. Where do I store everything? It's beginning to pile up and I wish I had a huge walk in pantry. We need to remodel our laundry room....Mr. Man needs a project.
